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The Arab Water Council and the Arab Water Council Youth Network had the pleasure to participate in the MEDWAYCAP 2nd Innovation Camp

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The Arab Water Council and the Arab Water Council Youth Network had the pleasure to participate in the MEDWAYCAP 2nd Innovation Camp


The Arab Water Council and the Arab Water Council Youth Network had the pleasure to participate in the MEDWAYCAP 2nd Innovation Camp.

The innovation camp was organized by The National Agriculture Research Center in Jordan and the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari (CIHEAM Bari).

The innovation camp was a fully facilitated 2 days workshop dedicated to the capitalization of the know-how in Non-Conventional Water Resources (NCWR) treatment, reuse, and management. The innovation Camp was organized under the ENICBCMED programme in the framework of MEDwAyCAp project3 (A Mediterranean pathway for innovation Capitalization towards an urban-rural integrated development of nonconventional water resources.

The camp was mainly Capitalizing on the outcomes of the first innovation Camp edition held in Tunisia, Jordan edition was delivered in three parallel working sessions, each addressing a specific challenge:

Challenge 1: NCWR Technology and Innovation - How to mainstream policies and enable upscaling within the market-orientation paradigm?

Challenge 2: CWR Financing and investments - What instruments to use in a circular economy framework?

Challenge 3: Mediterranean Alliance - How to structure the pathway for a long-term capitalization strategy at the Mediterranean level?

Where AWC happily participated in Challenge 3 by leading one of 3 prototypes which is the prototype on Non-Conventional Water Resources Community of Practice. AWC led the discussion and design of this prototype during the 2 days workshop.

The innovation camp was also a great opportunity for the AWC Youth Network where one of the network members was nominated to attend and participate in the challenge discussions and prototypes to ensure that the network is working towards enhancing members’ capacities.